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Röhlinger Straße 24, 73479 Ellwangen (Jagst), Deutschland


Torsten Hermanns

EurA AG has been established in Ellwangen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) in 1999. The company currently employs more than 200 persons on 15 locations.
As an innovation service provider, EurA advises more than 2600 companies all over Europe, covering all industrial sectors. From the beginning, one emphasis lay on the manufacturing sector as one of the most innovative, challenging, and interesting sectors.
EurA accompanies its customers along every stage of the innovation process, providing services ideally tailored to the individual needs of the respective partner. The portfolio ranges from the development of a general company or innovation strategy based on a thorough business plan, over the determination of the financial aspects, the initiation and mediation of promising partnerships, the implementation of innovative products, technologies and services, up to the development of appropriate commercialisation strategies and the market introduction of those innovations.

Tasks in GlobalAM
  • Project administration (assistance of the Coordinator Robert Bosch),

  • Implementation of a life cycle assessment for the significantly improved AM processes

  • Development of an appropriate exploitation and replication strategy for the project

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